Monday, January 26, 2009

First Day - Take Dos. Time to be straight up.

A section of the speeches I gave to my Intro students today (keep in mind that it is a remedial math class).

"You are in this class because of one of three reasons. Either one, you are lazy and didn't do your work last year or last semester; two, you skipped class and failed due to attendance or missed material; or three, at some point in your educational career so far, whether it was in elementary school or middle school or at home, you got severely screwed over by either a teacher, your school, and the system."

"Some of you guys didn't have a teacher for an entire year of your education. Others had a teacher that just passed out worksheets and sat in the back of the class. Well I am making a promise to you today that I am not going to be that teacher that quits on your halfway through the semester, that hands you a sheet of work and sits in the back of the room, or tells you that you will amount to nothing. I will do everything I can to make sure that you are as successful as you can be, but you need to fulfill your end of the bargain and work hard with me."

One-on-one with a student, in response to a student saying he didn't like one teacher last semester because she got in his face and told him he wasn't doing anything for himself and wouldn't make it. "Boo, I am not going to get in your face like she did. Well, actually, I might. But if I do it will only be to tell you what an amazing student you can be and how much of a shame it is that you are not living up to the great things you can do. Is it ok if I get in your face for that." Response: nod and shy smile.

Fun one of the day: Student moves tongue in cheek mimicking a sexual endeavor; my response: "Austin, save it for your dreams or for after school." Austin laughed, and returned to the task at hand.

Overall, a solid day, complete with a roommate discussion of just how screwed up our schools and the educational system are.


Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work, dude! It's Chinese new year here, time for new beginnings.

Hannah said...

nice job katie! keep it up!