Sunday, October 19, 2008

quick update

Here is a 2-minute update on the last few trials and tribulations.

Trouble with the principal: of course, the principal has to walk by my door when things are kind of crazy. Granted, I have had kids leaving class through the window, throwing trash (paper balls, wrappers, etc.) out the same window, launching tennis balls across the room, fights breaking know, the first-year-teacher struggles. Anyhoo, now the principal is fixated on me as someone who must improve classroom management. After a long explanation of how I need a seating chart in the form of a sports analogy that I would frustrating and a tad condescending, I felt the need for action...however, it did not come as I wanted it to that day.

Last Tuesday I finally broke down. I had refrained from letting the tears flow until this fateful day. After second period I was ready to throw up my hands and say, hell, I am no good at this, it's beating me down to a pulp each day, why am I still here?? But I made it through the remainder of the day. On my way home I relayed to my mom, "Mom, today was a new low." "How could that possibly be true?" my mom questioned. True! How could the days get rougher? Well, indeed they could.

Wednesday was another rough day. But these tough times were nothing strong parental support couldn't pull me out of! After a supportive phone call and a beautiful floral arrangement to brighten the day from mom and a strong, much-needed pep-talk from dad I woke up on Thursday ready to put the craziness to an end!

Looking myself in the mirror I pointed to my face and said, "YOU! Are going to write 4 referrals today!" I was on pace to reach my goal, but ended up writing 2. However, on Friday I reached it, writing 2 more. By the end of class on Friday I felt good about the end of the week.

I have created a pump-up cd for the morning this week entitled, FSKU! I will refrain from going into detail regarding the meaning of this acronym - however, I'll let on that it includes the opposite of down and a synonym for children.

Anyhoo, I will persevere and damn it, they'll learn! Whether in ISS (in-school suspension), at the back of another classroom, or in my room.

Time to rock it this week.


Lani said...

Fisher --
Keep it up. So proud. Let's talk soon.

Hannah said...

hahaha katie i love that acronym

Lauren Sanchez said...

way to have the fire fisher! it's great to read about you've been doing.. keep it up. we're all behind you, supporting you from back here. missing you, love laur

Emily said...

Fish, you are amazing. Please don't get discouraged, you are not alone in your frustrations. EVERYONE believes in you. Making a difference in the life of one student will make this entire experience worthwhile in the long run. You will emerge from this prepared for anything. We miss your fire, the season starts next week and being on the court without you is going to be so strange. Miss you, stay strong - Em