Sunday, August 24, 2008

calm before the storm

Dear Ms. Fisher,

It seems as though I am trivially nervous this evening; however, the nerves have not yet manifested themselves as rabid butterflies making fish food of my stomach. Perhaps the morning will bring this on. At the sight of a school bus my tummy may churn like the thumping of a wooden rod in great grandma’s butter pot. But like the creamy butter that was the result of wood thrashing against metal, the storm in my stomach too will subside and my nerves calm. Give me 3 shots of adrenaline, one for each period, and I am good to go.

Well, writing this has soothed me to a sleepy state. When I wake to the sound of my alarm at 5:20am tomorrow morning I will strive to remember this calm and carry it through the day. Brush it off like Jay-Z and convince the kids they can like Nas…game on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

omgomgomg HOW DID IT GO?!?!?