Monday, June 30, 2008

Snakes and Surprise Students

So I am walking back to a prospective apartment from the car where I had forgotten my driver's license to find a large black object on the sidewalk. "Hmm, what is this?" I thought to myself. Upon closer inspection, my eyes scrolled from the tail, along the 1.5 in thick body up to the head of a huge black snake! Ahh! At first I wasn't sure if it was real because it was so still, as I have never encountered a snake of that size (at least 2.5 ft long) outside of a zoo. After deciding that it was most certainly real, I hopped over it and walked briskly back to the apartment.

Perhaps ignoring a blatant sign from the All Mighty, we decided to go for this apartment. We had the most stressful 15 minutes that I have experienced in a long time as we went back and forth as to whether to go through the application process (competing with 5 other groups) or to pay a slightly higher price. After prolonged fetal positions and sounds of agony, we decided to make the call! We weren't quite set, however, because if we wanted the place it meant coming up with $1500 in cash in the next three hours. Luckily, a local Walmart hooked us up with cashing a personal check (something they supposedly do not do on a typical basis). All in all, we now have a place to live!

On the school side of things, this morning was a true challenge. I was just opening my lesson to a one person class when three students whom I had never seen before, except working metal detector duty, entered our classroom. Not knowing what was going on, I assumed I was the only one who did not know why this was occurring; I introduced myself and quickly learned their names. I also found out that the class that they had been in was behind where we were, which meant that it might be challenging for them to grasp the lesson. By the end of the day, I had rushed a bit through the intro and guided practice - so some students were still struggling. This is certainly frustrating, but I have no doubt that they will have a strong understanding of the material tomorrow.

I also had a successful call to K.'s mom! K. hasn't been in school for a few days now and we are growing concerned. It turns out that she thought her son could not return to school because he had missed 3 days. I urged her to call the school to make sure that he could absolutely not come to school - in which case I offered evening or weekend tutoring sessions to help K. pass the big re-test next week. Hopefully we will see him again soon.

Shout out to my mom for sending my quilt - I sleep so much better in the coziness!

4 day week and then only a few days before the test. Also, Atlanta Pride is this weekend. Should be a fun time!


Unknown said...

I found your email with your blog address in my spam file and just finished reading all your blogs to date. I wish you had been my teacher! I loved your description of "pump fakes". If you can reach even one or two students, you are doing an incredible service. And, regarding that black know you're in the South when...yikes! Laura McAmis

Anonymous said...

Hey Kfish-
Sounds like you're really making progress down there. I love reading your blog and finding out what's going on in the classroom. It's helping me to mentally prepare for what I will face this fall. Best of luck pushing through the next few weeks!
Take care,
Christina C.